9:00 AM09:00

Color Run

  • Culver Community Middle/High School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Mark your calendars now....the Culver Community Athletic Booster Color Run will be held on June 7th! You can choose between a 1 mile fun run or a 5k.

Registration is officially open now and you can sign up here:  https://tinyurl.com/3kvcj4ct .

The race will end with an after party on the Culver Community Football Field! All pre-registrants will receive a white t-shirt and neon glasses to wear during the run! 

We hope to see you there!

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to Jul 20


  • Culver & Lake Maxinkuckee Visitor Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Culver’s biggest annual event! Food trucks, vendors, parade, contests, games and so much more. This year will be nothing short of exceptional. Event schedule TBD

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11:00 AM11:00

Creative Aging Program

This drawing experience for adults meets monthly with artist and educator Jennifer Weinert, a certified participant of Lifetime Arts and Lifelong Arts Indiana with over 30 years as an instructor, facilitator and visual arts programmer. Participants meet monthly to learn a technique, receive an invitation to develop their skills, while sharing their experience and progress with each other. Get in touch with your inner artist. Participants can purchase supplies (list provided by instructor), pay a material use fee each session or purchase a tool kit from the instructor. Call or text Jennifer at 574-316–0278 to register.

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Culver Turkey Trot & Yoga
9:00 AM09:00

Culver Turkey Trot & Yoga

Start your Thanksgiving off with our community at the annual Turkey Trot and Yoga benefitting the Culver Food Pantry.

Run/Walk starts at 9:30 so please arrive by 9:15. No registration required. 5k and 1 mile route maps will be handed out at the start. We will begin and end at The Beach Lodge.

Yoga with Elizabeth begins at 10:30am 60 minute class for all levels. Please bring a mat if you have one, we have a few to share if you do not have a mat.

Bring your family and friends and a free will donation to the Culver Food Pantry.

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Food Truck Monday
4:00 PM16:00

Food Truck Monday

  • Culver Community School Administration Building Parking Lot (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

CCSC will be hosting "Food Truck Monday" again this year! Our dates planned are June 3rd, July 1st and August 5th. We are currently looking for food trucks to set up at our event. 

The fee to set up in our parking lot is $25 per truck. This money goes to the CCSC club/class/team that agreed to work the event by setting up, keeping trash picked up and then cleaning up after the event. This event acts as both a "free to attend" community event and a fundraiser for our students. 

If you own, or know of someone that owns a food truck that would be interested in attending, please fill out our registration form here: https://forms.gle/S8aexGziitiNKuBt9

At this time we have a tenderloin truck, bbq truck, shaved ice and a taco/mexican truck. 

As always, thank you for your continued support of Culver Community Schools! 

-Hanna Croy, hcroy@culver.k12.in.us

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Culver Summer Schools & Camps Garrison Parade
7:00 PM19:00

Culver Summer Schools & Camps Garrison Parade

  • Henderson Parade Field on the Culver Academies Campus (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

View one of the most powerful scenes of Culver Summer Schools & Camps, with more than 1,300 campers from over 40 states and nearly 40 countries. Highlights include the Naval Band and Woodcraft Drum & Bugle Corps marching and playing in a combined unit maneuver, the retiring of the colors, and an up-close look at all of the units in both the Woodcraft Camp and Upper School as they Pass in Review.

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