Culver Winterfest is a fantastic 3-day festival for the whole family to enjoy! Join us February 6th, 7th and 8th, 2026, to celebrate all things winter. Starting Friday, come tour the ice sculptures throughout town, all hand-carved live by professional ice carvers from Rock On Ice. The rest of the weekend is packed with more winter fun, from the Cupid’s Dart, to the Polar Plunge, and Chili Cook-Off, there’s no shortage of activities here in Culver during Winterfest. We will also have a sledding hill at the Park, open to the public all weekend long (beginning Friday at 5PM). If you’d like to opt for an indoor activity, we proudly present Cupid’s Karaoke at the Lakehouse Grille, and the Farmer’s Market hosted by our local Library. Saturday night is the can’t miss event, the Ice Fights, which two ice sculptors at a time race against the clock and go head to head to create the most unique sculptures. Enjoy the show while sipping a refreshment in the beer garden on Saturday night. Scroll down for a video featuring 2023 Winterfest, tentative 2026 Winterfest schedule, and more information.
2026 Schedule
(subject to change - please check back for updates)
Friday, February 6
Ice Sculpture Tour: BEGINS AT 5PM (Weather permitting). Location: Around Town.
Check out crafted ice sculptures sponsored by individuals and businesses all around town!
(link coming soon) CLICK HERE to sponsor an ice sculpture for your business, family or any occasion.
Cupid’s Crawl: Information coming soon!
7th Annual Father-Daughter Dance Presented by the Kiwanis Club of Culver: Information coming soon!
Cupids’ Karaoke & Cocktails: 9:30 pm. Sing your heart out at the Lakehouse Grille! (620 E. Lakeshore Dr. Culver, IN 46511)
Saturday, February 7
Ice Sculpture Tour: All Day (weather permitting). Location: Around Town. Check out crafted ice sculptures sponsored by individuals and businesses all around town!
Lions Club Pancake Breakfast: 8-11 am. Location: Train Depot (615 E Lakeshore Dr. Culver, IN 46511). Enjoy a savory and sweet breakfast with the local philanthropy group, Culver Lions Club!
Cupid’s Dart 5K and 1 Mile: 9 am. Location: Culver Beach Lodge (819 E. Lakeshore Dr. Culver, IN 46511). Grab those running (or walking) shoes to participate in a casual fun run/walk around town. Maps will be provided, registration NOT required and be sure to show up at least 10 minutes before to prepare.
Free Community Yoga Class: 10 am. Sponsored by civvies and Culver Pediatrics. More information coming soon!
Indoor Farmers’ Market: 10 am-1 pm. Location: Culver & Union Township Public Library (107 N. Main Street Culver, IN 46511). Shop locally crafted goods!
Soup for the Soul: 4 pm - 6 pm. Location: Culver Beach Lodge (819 E. Lakeshore Dr. Culver, IN 46511). What is soup for the soul? For just $10 you can come and pick out a unique, one-of-a-kind soup bowl hand crafted by a student at Culver Community Schools and enjoy all you can eat soup, dessert and a drink!
The proceeds from this event will be going to the local food pantry and animal shelter. More information coming soon!
Ice Fights, Beer Garden & S’mores: TIME TBD. Location: Train Depot in the Culver Park (615 E Lakeshore Dr.). Join us for the BIG event of the weekend!!! Watch as ice sculptors compete while enjoying some adult beverages and roasting some marshmallows. Open to all ages. For those drinking alcohol, please obtain a wristband and stay inside the designated beer garden fence.
More information coming soon!
Sunday, February 8
Ice Sculpture Tour: All Day (weather permitting). Location: Around Town. Check out crafted ice sculptures sponsored by individuals and businesses all around town!
Polar Plunge REGISTRATION: 12pm - 12:45pm ALL JUMPERS/”PLUNGERS” MUST ARRIVE BETWEEN 12 and 12:45pm to complete registration by signing the waiver, and line up for jumping. Pre-register here. If you are pre-registered, PLEASE ARRIVE BETWEEN 12 and 12:45pm. The first 50 to register will receive a Winterfest branded, Polar Plunge Towel!
Polar Plunge JUMPING BEGINS: 1PM. Location: Culver Beach (819 E Lakeshore Dr. Culver, IN 46511). Pre-register here.
Everyone line up to take the plunge! Jump into Lake Maxinkuckee through the ice!!! Want to get a little more creative and fun? Put on a costume and grab a friend!
Polar Plunge participant registration and waiver signing will take place between 12-12:45 pm. ALL PARTICIPANTS (pre-registered and day of registrants) need to arrive between 12-12:45 pm.
Polar Plunge Participant Check In:12-12:45 PM. ALL Polar Plunge participants need to arrive between 12-12:45 pm for registration at Beach Lodge Concession Stand. Registration/check in ends @ 12:45 pm.
Polar Plunge Participant Jumping: 1 pm. Location: Culver Beach (819 E Lakeshore Dr. Culver, IN 46511).
The Culver & Union Township Fire Department will be on site for safety purposes.
Chili Cook Off: 1-3 pm. Location: Culver Beach Lodge Conference Room (819 E Lakeshore Dr. Culver, IN 46511). Register here to compete in the 2026 Chili Cook Off Participate for the title of Best Chili or just enjoy the samples :) Participant registration required (registration link below!). It is free to be a chili cook-off participant and $5 to eat/vote on the chili! There will be a bake sale as well by the CCHS swim team so be sure to bring cash for chili and some baked goods!
Be on the look out for ice skaters, ice fishers and ice sailors on Lake Maxinkuckee all weekend long!!! *** Please check local and national guidelines for ice thickness safety before participating on activities on Lake Maxinkuckee. For more information, please visit
Sponsor a Winterfest Ice Sculpture
Celebrate your family, promote your business, or choose another fun design when you sponsor a Winterfest Ice Sculpture.
Ice sculptures will be displayed all weekend beginning Friday at 5PM. If you want to see your sculpture created before your eyes, choose the live sculpting option!
Live sculptures are sculpted on Saturday of the festival and creates an exciting scene for all to see.
Sponsorship form: COMING SOON!
Take the Plunge!
Plunge participants are famous for their creative costumes! Grab a friend or even do a couple’s costume. First 50 registrants receive a Winterfest towel. All Polar Plunge participants receive a cup of hot chocolate to warm up.
Registration link: CLICK HERE
5K & 1 Mile
Cupid’s Dart Routes
9AM, Saturday: The 5K AND 1 Mile run/walk routes will begin and end at the Beach Lodge in the Culver Park.
Maps will be provided at the event.
Please show up at least 10-15 minutes early to get ready and receive a map.
No registration required.
Chili Cook Off
1PM - 3PM at the Culver Beach Lodge
Participant registration required (registration link below!).
It is free to be a chili cook-off participant and $5 to eat/vote on the chili!
There will be a bake sale as well by the CCHS swim team so be sure to bring cash for chili and some baked goods!
Enter your chili!: CLICK HERE